Therapy Services
For sports injury and post surgical patients, we offer a wide range of modalities, including physical therapy and muscle work to help you during the recovery process.

Exam Table Traction

Power Plate

The Power Plate is a vibrating platform that uses safe, consistent vibrations on all three axes. This causes the muscles to activate and may assist in many ways:
- Abdominal fat reduction.
- Ligaments and connecting tissue healing.
- Increase muscle recovery after strength training.
- Enable better sport performance.
- Improve circulation.
- Strengthen muscle mass in older patients.
- Fall prevention for the elderly.
Using the power plate, the trained staff will take you through a series of exercises and stretches based on your individual goals. Power Plate is great for all individuals looking to better their health, posture or performance. Call us today to see if the Power Plate is the right fit for you.

Class 4 Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions and is FDA approved for wound care. Our clinic has had huge success treating conditions such as post-surgical scars, rotator cuff injuries, bruising and wounds, inflammation due to herniation and bulging disc, car accidents, sports injuries, and plantar fasciitis.


Our Teeter inversion table has helped bring relief to many patients who are experiencing back pain. The purpose of the table is to decompress the spine. After being securely fastened in, the Inversion table rotates backward allowing the body to be at an angle. This angle, allows the spine to decompress relieving pressure off nerves that may be involved with the pain.

Cervical Traction

Much like how the inversion table decompresses the spine, cervical traction also decompresses, but in the neck region. If you suffer from migraines, headaches, neck pain or cervical discopathies, our traction unit may be what you need to bring relief.

Kinesio Taping

Taping is a strapping technique that has a unique pattern designed to help the natural healing process of the body while providing support and stability to muscles and joints. The tape does not impede your range of motion and normally lasts up to a week. It is safe for athletes and all people including children

Physical Therapy
We offer physical therapy to help you regain mobility, function and a better quality of life. Call today to schedule your first examination.
This is a manual therapy technique that uses tools for soft tissue manipulation. Breaking down fascial restrictions and scar tissue helps restore mobility and function to the soft tissue. This is especially recommended if you have scar tissue build-up due to post-surgical work or trauma.

Did you know that 99% of an x-ray is actually heat? Our clinic offers Digital X-Ray which is quick and painless. After the x-ray is taken, Dr. Butch will be able to read it immediately and explain your condition to you.

Diagnostic Reads
If you have received CT Scan, MRI, DEXA Scan imaging, bring them to our clinic upon your visit so Dr. Butch may do a read and offer appropriate recommendations for your condition.
Lab Results/ Blood Work
Understanding the chemical process that take place in the body, knowledge with drug interactions and an expert in nutrition, Dr. Butch will be happy to review blood work/ Lab Results and let you know how you can improve your numbers, so your body can function more efficiently.